"Coaching can help you identify and change the beliefs and habits that get in your way, and create and reinforce new ones that support your success."
- Harvard Business Review, 2020

What is coaching?
In the simplest terms, coaching will help you get more of what you want in your life and less of what you don’t want. We explore who you are now and work together to craft a personal recipe to live more boldly.

Is coaching for you?
If you want to: change your job / write your screenplay / lose weight / buy a house / start your dream biz / travel alone / move abroad / run for office / feel like you have time to do what you want to be doing, especially with that screen attached to your hand / dive into the world of online dating but are afraid to start / be doing more, but not sure what of, yes. Coaching is for you.

Studies conducted by the International Coaching Federation on the effectiveness of coaching showed 99% saw their experience working with a coach as rewarding, while 96% stated they would do it again. 65% said working with a coach helped them improve their performance at work, and 80% said it helped improve their self-confidence.” - 3 reasons successful professionals hire a life coach, The Ladders, Jan 2, 2019

Most coaching is done over video chat or phone, so you can be anywhere in the world.

Didi has completed her ACC International Coach Federation (ICF) accreditation and her CPCC through the Coaches Training Institute (CTI), the first ICF accredited school that has trained more than 55,000 coaches worldwide. She has been also been a marketing and communications leader for 20+ years. From running across NYC in impractical heels to raising large rounds of funding in Asia to managing dozens of emerging leaders, she understands the beat-down of the grind and the intoxication of the launch. Read more about Didi.

We start with a free consultation to see if it’s a good fit. Your curiosity was the first step.

 “I truly enjoyed each session; no two were the same. She listened deeply and thought creatively — I couldn't recommend her highly enough.”

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